Tuition and Fees

Tuition, Fees, and Payment Plans are subject to change.

Cost for Academic Term Plan A


Plan B

(2 Payments)

Plan C

(4 Payments)

Plan D
Application Fee (Non-Refundable) $100 $100 $100 $100
Tuition $12,900 $12,900 $12,900 $12,900
Textbooks $600 $600 $600 $600
Credentialing Fee (MBLEx and WI State Exam) $450 $450 $450 $450
Payment Plan Fee $0 $250 $500 $500
Total $14,050 $14,300 $14,550 Special Payment Option at the discretion and approval of The Wellness School President

Tuition and Fee Due Dates

Tuition and Fee Due Dates are subject to change.

Payment Plan Due Date Description
PLAN A – Pre Payment 9/16/2024 First Day of Class (Orientation)
PLAN B – 2 Payments 1st= 9/16/2024

2nd = 1/15/2025

1st = First Day of Class (Orientation)

2nd = End of 7th Week of Winter Quarter

PLAN C – 4 Payments 1st= 9/16/2024

2nd = 11/27/2024

3rd = 1/15/2025

4th = 3/26/2025

1st= First Orientation Day of Class

2nd = End of Fall Quarter

3rd = 7th Week of Winter Quarter

4th = 5th Week of Spring Quarter

Plan D – * President’s Approval Customized Payment Plan at the discretion and approval of The Wellness School President.

Payment Plans and Terms

Plans B (2 Payments) and C (4 Payments) are payment plans which include an additional payment plan fee. All fees are payable by cash, personal check, or credit card. An additional 3% processing fee will be charged if tuition is paid by credit card.

Supplies and Other Expenses

Supplies and Other Expenses are subject to change.

Cost for Academic Term Required Value Cost to Student
Student Membership to American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) X Free Included
Student Liability Insurance (Included at no charge with AMTA Membership) X Free w/AMTA Included
Linens: Sheets, Blankets and Towels X $456 Included
Massage Product (Oil, etc.) X $180 Included
CPR/AED & First Aid Certification X $90 Included
 Graduation Cap and Gown
X $30 Included
Total Value Included in Tuition X $756 Included
Optional Books, Workshops, Seminars, Supplies, Tools, and Accessories Optional Optional Optional

Administration Charges

Description of Charge Cost to Student
Transcript Requests $15
Schedule Modification $100
1:1 Makeup Classes with Instructor $45/hr
Tuition Paid by Credit Card 3.5% Processing Fee
Check Return $25
Tuition Fee Payment Late Fee after 5 business days $100

Collection of Unpaid Tuition and Fees

Nonpayment of tuition, fees, or any other amount due to The Wellness School, may result in the student being obligated for interest, collection agency costs, additional collection costs, and legal costs. The Wellness School reserves the right to report the student’s failure to pay amounts owed to one or more national credit bureau organizations and not release the student’s academic transcript until all debts to the school are paid in full.

Students falling behind in payments for more than 30 days, as per the signed Tuition Agreement, may be suspended from the program, and/or be asked to withdraw from The Wellness School until all payments are made current.

Students falling behind in payments for more than 60 days may be dismissed from the program. Students with delinquent tuition balance at initiation of credentialing (LMT application, MBLEx registration) will have their applications withheld until payments are brought current. The diploma and official transcript will only be awarded to students upon satisfactory completion of all graduation requirements including payment in full to the school of all tuition, fees, and other monetary obligations.